Diotron Communications can assist you with all your Two Way Radio Repairs and Rentals

Two-Way Radio Repairs

Diotron is committed to providing you with the highest quality repair service on your two-way radio communication.

We have a fully equipped workshop with well-qualified technical staff. We have been around for 39 years and the expertise and technical support we offer is to get your radios and communication equipment working at no time, making sure you stay safe and connected. 

We will accommodate special or urgent requests. We carry a wide range of Two-way radio spares for all the major brands.

We love to partner with your business by assisting with our Two-way radio repairs. Diotron guarantees your satisfaction with the repairs of all makes of two-way radios, mobile radios, base stations, and repeater systems.


Diotron will meet your temporary need for additional Two-way radios quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

We offer a 2-way radio rental option of equipment on short and long term basis.

We can assist your business and offer solutions with the temporary need for:

  • Increased communication for a Mining project
  • Conferencing events
  • Advertising and entertainment industry
  • Music and Sport Events for crowd control
  • 4 x 4 Trails, outdoor adventures and activities 
The benefits of two-way radio rentals are:
  • Cost effective as it preserves your cash flow
  • We offer low daily, weekend, weekly and monthly rates on all our equipment
  • We feature only top quality professional Two way portable and mobile radios. We have Motorola models available for rent such as the CP040, Kenwood TK2000/TK3000 and Kirisun PT260.
  • We never rent out run-down models and equipment that is often troublesome and guarantee our products.
  • Prior to shipping, radios can be programmed to your requested frequencies, or set to standard frequencies for you to program upon arrival.